
Kind Attention!

The musk, oud (agarwood oil), rose, spices and or other natural and essential oils used in our products are 100% natural and contains no harmful artificial products.

However, please ensure that you carry out a patch test for each oil before using it extensively. Kindly check if you have an allergy / sensitivity or allergic reaction to a specific oil or ingredient, before using the product.

By making a purchase, order, or acquiring any oil or product from “Raihaan Oudh CA” you agree to above terms and bear full responsibility and liability for any allergic reaction or sensitivity that may result due to the use of our products.

By making a purchase, order, or acquiring any oil or product from “Raihaan Oudh CA” you agree that “Raihaan Oudh CA” is not responsible or liable for any sensitivity, reaction, allergy or any symptoms or outcomes that may result from it, directly or indirectly in any way, shape, or form.
